Welcome to the Isle Royale Info site. This site is dedicated to providing information about Isle Royale National Park located in Lake Superior. It is meant to be a central point of reference for anyone wanting to go there, or just know more about Isle Royale.
I have shot hundreds of hours of video while on the island during various trips and released one full length video on VHS (I am no longer offering it because it needs to be remastered to DVD). I hope to be releasing other full length videos someday, but I do not know when I will get time to do it. For now, I just keep shooting footage. In the meantime I have decided to share some clips. They are, for the most, part "clips" with quick titles describing what they are. I started to post them to "You Tube", but decided to move them to my own site where I have control and I do not have to deal with them. I added some "ads" to help defray some of the costs, but they are not as intrusive as the ones on "You Tube" and I do not gather any information from you!
Below are links to some of my Isle Royale videos. They are listed by years from the latest to the oldest. Select the link and the video should play in whatever your default video player program is or, download so you can play it. It depends on what browser you are using, your operating system and/or how your computer is setup.
I will be continuing to add to these so, check back. The last time something was added was: December 24, 2017
ALL videos are copyrighted and they cannot be used for any reason without permission. If you wish to use one, use the contact form at the bottom of the page.
Fall, 2016
"Kids Have A Rough Trip" - September 28, 2016 9:21am (4:14)
Kids in the back of the Voyageur II. It was a rough trip over to the island and the majority got sick at one time or another. They are being helped by Kirk, the deckhand. On the boat is a group from the “Isle Royale Education Program” which consisted 7th graders. At least half of them were always in the back of the boat “feeding the fish”. Kirk does a great job trying to comfort them with Saltines and water. A quote from Kirk when one of the kids came out to the back of the deck to get sick, “Get to the railing, push your way in there. Just like little piglets, push your way in there”. Typical Kirk. Recorded on a handheld Canon Vixia HF R300 camera.
"Sunset At Hay Bay Campground Time Lapse" - September 29, 2016 7:08pm (1:05)
A time lapse recording of the sunset across Hay Bay shot from the Hay Bay Campground dock. Shot at 1 minute intervals on a GoPro Hero3 White camera mouted on a tripod.
"Senter Point Powderhouse Ruins" - October 2, 2016 (4:13)
Location map, photos and a handheld video of the powderhouse located on the western side side of the island in Siskiwit Bay. The powderhouse was used by the Island Mine located about 2 miles north in the 1870's. There are no trails to it and you must bushwhack through the woods to get there. Recorded on a handheld Canon Vixia HF R300 camera.
June, 2015
"Rain & Fog On Wood Lake" June 20, 2015 (4:12)
A view of Wood Lake from the campground. It was taken from the bluff over Wood Lake at the campground. This is edited from shots on a tripod and hand-held with zooms. The sound is from a stereo microphone next to the camera. At the beginning, the rain drops are hitting the camera raincoat. It shows fog rolling in and out and captures the sound. Recorded on a Canon Vixia HF R300 camera.
"Lake Richie From Lake Richie Canoe Campground" June 23, 2015 7:08pm (5:48)
A view of Lake Richie on a beautiful June day. I setup the tripod on the point near the campground and let it run for a bit. It captures quite a few bird sounds along with the sounds of insects and the lake. This is 5 minutes of that footage. Recorded on a Canon Vixia HF R300 camera.
"Rock Harbor Lighthouse; Walk Up, Look Around, Walk Down" June 29, 2015 (4:17)
As the title says. Recorded on a handheld Canon Vixia HF R300 camera.
Fall, 2014
"Foxes at Rock Harbor Campground" September 29, 2014 (3:30)
We had a pair of foxes at our shelter at the campground. This is a couple of short clips and some still photos of them. Recorded on a handheld Canon Vixia HF R300 camera.
"Walk to Blake Point" September 27, 2014
While staying at Merrit Lane campground Nancy and I decided to walk out to the Balke Point Light. I had attempted it in 2012, but did not get all of the way there because it was getting too late. I have divided into four separate videos because they are quite long. I also only posted small versions of them due to the size of the files.
Part One: "Bushwhacking" (33:32)
Due to high water levels and Nancy's fear of heights, we could not walk the shoreline and had to stay up in the forest bushwhacking our way through the forest for much of the trip. Recorded on a GoPro Hero3 Black camera mounted to my chest.
Part Two: "To the Point" (36:55)
The second part is easier at first because of open rock areas, but becomes extremely difficult when turning north at the east end of the island. Recorded on a GoPro Hero3 Black camera mounted to my chest.
Part Three: "At the Point" (11:45)
This footage was recorded while at the point. Recorded on a Canon Vixia HF R300 camera.
Part Four: "Leaving the Point" (35:18)
This footage was recorded leaving the point and most of the way back. I believe it documents the difficulty in the area near the point better than the footage while going there. Recorded on a GoPro Hero3 Black camera mounted on my chest.
Spring, 2013
This was the most unusual trip I have ever taken to the island. The island was still froze in and we were the only "tourists" going to the island. The only other people were people from the wolf/moose study group and they were operating out of Daisy Farm so, we were dropped off alone in Rock Harbor and had the whole place to ourselves (not even a ranger). I have documented this trip in a journal with text, photos and video. It is available on a separate page.
Fall, 2012
"Relaxing Sunset At Rainbow Point" - September 30, 2012 (23:54)
A view of a beautiful and relaxing sunset shot at one of my favorite places on the island. The video is long. I cut it once, but I just could not cut anymore. Put it on, turn up the volume, sit back and feel like you are on the island. Recorded on a Canon Vixia HF R300 camera on a tripod with an Audio-Techica stereo microphone.
"Sunset At Rainbow Point" - October 1, 2012 (11:54)
This sunset was shot at the same place as "Relaxing Sunset At Rainbow Point" on the next day. What a difference a day makes. This one has large waves and, thus, louder sound. This one is more spectacular than the previous, but not as relaxing. The two of them give a great perspective of the differences in a sunset at the same place on two different days. As with the previous one, it was hard to cut anything out. On this one, I cut nothing. It was also recorded on a Canon Vixia HF R300 camera on a tripod with an Audio-Technica stereo microphone.
Spring, 2001
"Bull Moose Near Island Mine" - May 16, 2001 (3:08)
On a solo spring trip I came apon this bull moose just before Island Mine Campground. He was not spooked at all and ended up laying down while I was still standing there. Recorded on a handheld Canon GL-1 camera.
This site is not affiliated with Isle Royale National park or any official or commercial organization.
All information presented is to the best of my knowledge.
All photographs and text are Copyrighted and may not be used in any form without permission.